Organizational Learning Support Inventory: Development and Validation of Evidence

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Bruno Chaves Correia-Lima
Elisabeth Loiola
Cícero Roberto Pereira
Sônia Maria Guedes Gondim


We developed, tested and validated an inventory (ISOA) composed of Organizational Support Scale for Competences Acquisition (OSSCA) and Organizational Support Scale for Transfer to Work (OSSTW). Subdivided material and psychosocial supports correspond to organizational support for individual learning. Based on a review of national and international support scales, we elaborated an inventory and submitted it to content validation (analysis by judges and pretesting). For construct validation we applied exploratory (Study 1) and confirmatory (Study 2) factor analysis to the results collected in a public bank and a non-governmental organization, respectively. Study 1 allowed proposal of scales with appropriate parameters for measuring construct validity and reliability. Study 2 confirmed scale adequacy by confirmatory factorial analysis. This study contributes to the literature on organizational learning by presenting instruments with evidence for validity and reliability of the supports to learning and transfer, differentiated by relating received support to specific experiences (non-generic) and interrelated learning (acquisition / retention) and the transfer of this knowledge to work.


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How to Cite
Correia-Lima, B. C., Loiola, E., Pereira, C. R., & Gondim, S. M. G. (1). Organizational Learning Support Inventory: Development and Validation of Evidence. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 21(5), 710-729.