Proposta de tipologia sobre alianças estratégicas

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Vasco Eiriz


This article assumes that strategic alliances are a particular form of co-operation between firms, recognises the need to clarify the concept, and suggests elements of distinction with other forms of co-operation and inter-organizational relationships. Contributing for this effort of clarification, the article discusses and recognises some limitations in the literature on types of strategic alliances, and proposes a new typology of strategic alliances. The typology is based on three domains of cooperation which, in turn, are based on different activities. The empirical study was based on a survey to which replied 133 Portuguese industrial firms which participated in the European Union's Europartenariat programme. The main results of this study suggest that: (1) the studied firms have very positive indicators of co-operation; (2) the intensity of strategic alliances is associated with the firms' size; (3) the global intensity of strategic alliances varies according to each industry; (4) the importance of each type of strategic alliance varies according to each industry; (5) the importance of each type of strategic alliance varies according to the type of partner involved in the other side of the relationship.


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How to Cite
Eiriz, V. (1). Proposta de tipologia sobre alianças estratégicas. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 5(2), 65-90.
Author Biography

Vasco Eiriz, Universidade do Minho

Mestre em Gestão de Empresas pela Universidade do Minho, Portugal, e Doutorando em Administração na Manchester School of Management, UK. Professor da Universidade do Minho, Portugal. Suas áreas de interesse em pesquisa são questões sobre o relacionamento interorganizacional, incluindo alianças estratégicas, formação de estratégias, desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas.