Technology Assessment: A Methodological Proposal

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Marcella Luiza Santos Mendes
Daniel Reis Armond de Melo


This research aims to propose a methodology to support technology assessment using scientometrics and patentometrics that is capable of assisting organizations in their decision making, in particular in reference to the introduction of new technologies. The introduction of a new technology in a scenario of uncertainties may cause impacts within organizations, this is why it is necessary to make a preliminary analysis. The primary objective of the Technology Assessment is to provide information that can minimize the risks and maximize the benefits of a particular technology. The proposed methodology is composed of nine easily replicable steps which can be used either by specialists who are in charge of carrying out a technological assessment in organizations, or by professionals who do not usually act in this process.


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How to Cite
Mendes, M. L. S., & Melo, D. R. A. de. (1). Technology Assessment: A Methodological Proposal. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 21(4), 569-584.
Technological Articles