Estrutura e programas de T&D: o caso das empresas públicas e sociedades de economia mista do Estado de Minas Gerais
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It was studied the structure and programs of training and development areas from public companies in Minas Gerais, Brazil. In order to compare the areas, it was developed a scale to measure the existence of programs and characteristics of structure of training and development. The first analysis of this scale's validity found a Cronbach's alpha of 0,9. The results identified three different groups of companies. The difference of these groups was associated with two external variables: the use of new administrative technologies and the education of the employees.
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Sampaio, J. dos R., & Tavares, K. de C. (1). Estrutura e programas de T&D: o caso das empresas públicas e sociedades de economia mista do Estado de Minas Gerais. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 5(1), 121-144.
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