Doing Business: A Comparative Analysis of the Rules in the BRICS

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Diego de Queiroz Machado
Gleison Mendonça Diniz
Mario Henrique Ogasavara
Fátima Regina Ney Matos


This study aims to characterize the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) based on an analysis of their regulations that affect the conducting of business. To do so, its theoretical foundation consisted of discussions on institutional theory and conducting business in the BRICS countries. Regarding methodology, data came from the Doing Business project, analyzed using a cluster analysis technique. The countries were separated into four groups: group 1, South Africa; group 2, China, India and Russia; group 3, Brazil; and group 4, formed mostly by developed countries, without the presence of any country in the BRICS. Group 4 was found to be the group with the best countries regarding the ease of doing business.


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How to Cite
Machado, D. de Q., Diniz, G. M., Ogasavara, M. H., & Matos, F. R. N. (1). Doing Business: A Comparative Analysis of the Rules in the BRICS. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 19(3), 355-373.