Work, violence and sexuality: a study of lesbians, transvestites and transsexuals

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Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri
Eloisio Moulin de Souza
Ana Rosa Camillo Aguiar


This article studies the interpersonal and symbolic violence experienced at work directed at lesbians, transvestites and transsexuals. However, to accomplish its purpose, we had to analyze the violence experienced by the subjects in their broader social context, involving family issues, among others; extending the analysis beyond the formal work environment. Sixty-five subjects were interviewed, using the field diary technique to produce data. Analysis was performed via Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), with Fairclough (1992, 1995) adopted as the main approach. We conclude that respondents suffer various forms of symbolic violence, the fruit of symbolic domination, which are established in a particular way in each of the groups studied. The interpersonal violence experienced at work is closely related to the forms of symbolic violence related to each group, and occur with greater intensity for transvestites because they are more likely to suffer from and be subject to interpersonal violence through physical aggression, a fact that puts their physical integrity and l ives at risk.


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How to Cite
Carrieri, A. de P., Souza, E. M. de, & Aguiar, A. R. C. (1). Work, violence and sexuality: a study of lesbians, transvestites and transsexuals. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 18(1), 78-95.