Wittgenstein and management: potentialities of linguistic pragmatics to organizational studies and strategy
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Motivated by the work of Mantere (2010), Mattos (2003a) and Schatzki (1996), this essay aims to discuss the potentialities afforded by the Wittgensteinian notion of language games to Organizational Studies (OS) and Strategy Studies (particularly in the Strategy as Practice approach). In order to do this, the article: (a) explains the language games notion, which is fundamental to Wittgenstein's late-period philosophy; (b) analyzes linguistic pragmatic ideas already used in Management, particularly regarding themes of OS and strategizing; and (c) outlines the analytical and explanatory possibilities envisioned for these theoretical fields.
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Oliveira, S. A. de, & Bulgacov, Y. L. M. (1). Wittgenstein and management: potentialities of linguistic pragmatics to organizational studies and strategy. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 17(5), 556-573. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1415-65552013000500004
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