Cognition and sustainability: multiple case studies of the BM&FBovespa corporate sustainability index

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Farley Simon Nobre
Rhubens Ewald Moura Ribeiro


The search for organizational sustainability in organizations demands a higher cognitive complexity from their participants due to their systemic dimensions and various aspects associated with the economy, society and environment. This paper studies the relationship between Degree of Cognitive Complexity (DCC) and Sustainability in Organizations (SIO) of companies that participate in the Corporate Sustainability Index (CSI) of Bolsa de Valores of São Paulo (BM & FBOVESPA - the Brazilian Stock Exchange). Its research methodology was based on a qualitative approach and multiple case studies. Document research was used to find sustainability reports and CSI questionnaires were implemented and then subjected to content analysis. An intentional sample was composed of six companies that made their full sustainability reports and CSI questionnaires available. The companies' DCC and SIO were respectively evaluated from the perspectives of Sustainable Value Creation (SVC) and Corporate Sustainability Index (CSI). Comparative analyses showed similarities and differences among the cases and a tendency for a positive relationship between DCC and SIO.


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How to Cite
Nobre, F. S., & Ribeiro, R. E. M. (1). Cognition and sustainability: multiple case studies of the BM&FBovespa corporate sustainability index. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 17(4), 499-517.