Estratégia de manufatura e ambiente econômico: comparando desempenhos e trajetórias de Brasil e Argentina

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Paulo Fernando Fleury
Rebecca Arkader


The objective of this paper is to look for indications of possible relationships between economic environment and manufacturing strategy, based on a comparison of Brazilian and Argentinean firms belonging to the metal products, machinery, and equipment industry. More specifically, it is our intention to identify similarities and differences in the modernization paths followed by companies of both countries, and also to discuss possible explanations for the behavior of companies in a period of significant changes in the economic environment. Structural and historical differences, as well as the prevailing economic environment by the time of the research seem to have influenced Argentinean companies in the direction of a more technological based modernization path - investments in hardware. Brazilian companies, on the other side, have concentrated their modernization efforts in the software side, i. e. in changing management practices towards a lean manufacturing model. During biennial period previous to this research, Argentinean companies achieved superior relative improvements in performance, when compared to their Brazilian counterparts, probably because they started earlier and from a weaker performance base.


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How to Cite
Fleury, P. F., & Arkader, R. (2018). Estratégia de manufatura e ambiente econômico: comparando desempenhos e trajetórias de Brasil e Argentina. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 1(2), 7-23.
Author Biographies

Paulo Fernando Fleury, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Professor Titular do COPPEAD da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, no qual dirige a Cátedra Ipiranga de Estratégia de Operações e o Centro de Estudos em Logística, ocupando também a posição de Coordenador de Pesquisa do Instituto. Doutor em Gerência de Operações pela Loughborough University of Technology. Áreas de interesse em pesquisa: estratégia de operações, logística empresarial, competitividade industrial.

Rebecca Arkader, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Professora do COPPEAD da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro na área de Operações e Tecnologia. Doutora em Administração pelo COPPEAD e economista pela Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Áreas de interesse em pesquisa: gerência de operações e estratégias de compras e de suprimento, estratégias de manufatura.