Marketing na Internet e comportamento do consumidor: investigando a dicotomia hedonismo vs. utilitarismo na WWW

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David Gertner
Andrea Narholz Diaz


The objective of this paper is to discuss buying behavior on the internet, based on propositions of the Consumer Retail Search Process model (CRSP), proposed by Titus e Everett (1995). More specifically, the present investigation verifies whether benefits derived from navigation on the Web present the same dichotomy observed in traditional environments, like retailing and television, that is: hedonism (a dimension related to fun, spontaneity, and search for multi-sensorial experiences) vs. utilitarism (a dimension related to some sort of conscious search with specific purpose). The validation of the hedonic and utilitarian benefits scale, proposed by Babin, Darden and Griffin (1994), led to the conclusion that the same dichotomy is present among consumers in activities on the Web.


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How to Cite
Gertner, D., & Diaz, A. N. (1). Marketing na Internet e comportamento do consumidor: investigando a dicotomia hedonismo vs. utilitarismo na WWW. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 3(3), 131-156.
Author Biographies

David Gertner, Nothwestern University

Ph.D. pela Nothwestern University, USA. Professor Adjunto do IBMEC Business School, Rio de Janeiro, além de Professor Visitante da Thunderbird - The American School of International Management, USA. Suas áreas de interesse em pesquisa são marketing na Internet, marketing de serviços, marketing de lugares, diferenças culturais em marketing e comunicação.

Andrea Narholz Diaz, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Mestre em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Funcionária da área de marketing de uma empresa européia multinacional, sem atuação acadêmica no momento.Â