Factor from technology readiness index (TRI) as antecedents of technology acceptance model (TAM)
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This paper aims at studying models developed to assess critical aspects related to the use and familiarity of consumers with technological based products and services. As a theoretical frame two reputable models were approached, the Technology Acceptance Model [TAM], and the Technology Readiness Index [TRI]. The hypothesized model tested whether the four dimensions components of TRI could be used (1) to explain differences between users and non users of web banking and (2) as antecedents of the main construct of the technology acceptance model, intention of use, in addition to the classical perceived utility and perceived ease-of-use. To achieve the objetives, a field research was conducted with users and non users of Internet banking, and the analysis showed that for purpose (1), three out of the four dimensions, - optimism, insecurity and discomfort, - were statistically different, and for purpose (2), optimism, a positive view of technology, was a significant antecedent of intention of use.
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Pires, P. J., & Costa Filho, B. A. da. (1). Factor from technology readiness index (TRI) as antecedents of technology acceptance model (TAM). Journal of Contemporary Administration, 12(2), 429-456. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1415-65552008000200007
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