‘Escrevivência’: The Exhausting Process of Being an Outsider within a Postgraduate Administration Program

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Fernanda de Aguiar Zanola
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3933-4185 orcid


Objective: this reader reflects on the exhaustion of being an outsider within a postgraduate Administration program. Theoretical approach: I also incorporate dialogue with black feminist thinkers to explore the intertwined intersections in autobiographical narratives. I highlight the concept of outsider whitin to reflect experiences of less privileged groups, who come up against paradigms established by a more influential community of insiders. In this movement, I shatter images that produce apathetic identities, enabling them to position themselves in the face of social dynamics.
Method: to do this, I use Conceição Evaristo's theoretical operator Escrevivência to revisit memories and reveal, through a transactional dialogue, productions located in the knowledge of black women. Results: in addition, I instigate reflections, acceptance, and representation of all peoples, addressing not only personal drama but also community history. Conclusions: finally, through a utopian effort, I articulate possible ways for postgraduate courses in Administration to break through the barriers experienced and raise the potential for those willing to contribute to the country's social, scientific, and theoretical development.


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Zanola, F. de A. (2023). ‘Escrevivência’: The Exhausting Process of Being an Outsider within a Postgraduate Administration Program. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 27(5), e220354. https://doi.org/10.1590//1982-7849rac2023220354.en
Theoretical-empirical Articles


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