Facets of risk in international entrepreneurship
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This article aims to analyze the facets of risk experienced by entrepreneurs in the internationalization process. The approach to international entrepreneurship composed the theoretical underpinnings of the research. A longitudinal, qualitative multiple case study was developed for Agrícola Famosa-CE, Agro Melon-RN (pseudonym), Special Fruit-BA and Ara Agrícola-PE. Thirty-one managers and consultants participated in the interviews. Data analysis was supported by adaptive theory and content analysis. Two facets of risk emerged from the data, namely: commercial and negotiation, and agricultural production. The exchange rate is presented as the most challenging property from the commercial and negotiation facet, while climatic conditions characterize the agricultural production that influences the internationalization process. Therefore, the commercial and negotiation facet stems from internationalization and economic activity in the segment, while agricultural production has agribusiness idiosyncrasies.
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How to Cite
Leite, Y. V. P., & Moraes, W. F. A. de. (1). Facets of risk in international entrepreneurship. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 18(1), 96-117. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1415-65552014000100007
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