Percepção de mudança organizacional: um estudo em uma organização pública brasileira
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The organizational changes have been pointed out to be an imperative to the organizations nowadays, but its evaluation has been very complicated. The present study has the following objectives: a)measure organizational characteristics- organizational values and power considerations- before and after interventions accomplished in a Brazilian and public organization; investigate the organizational capacity for changes and attitudes towards the changes realized after the execution of interventions; investigate the individual and organizational changes realized after the interventions take place. The application of instruments has been carried out in two moments during a period of four years. According to data found, the organization passed through changes in its external image, in its outcomes and in its member's professional competence development. The organization showed low capacity for changes and individual preponderance attitudes were accepted and feared when related to the changes. The cultural organizational characteristics such as organizational values and power relationships were kept stable.
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Neiva, E. R., & Paz, M. das G. T. da. (1). Percepção de mudança organizacional: um estudo em uma organização pública brasileira. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 11(1), 31-52.
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