Pointers in the spread of Postponement strategy: cases of Brazilian companies
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The purpose of this article is to investigate the adoption of postponement in the business environment in Brazil and which factors favor its implementation. This study used the methodology of multi-case studies to investigate this phenomenon that is well known in the literature, but rare in real business life. Results suggest that the implementation of postponement requires not only the reconfiguration of the logistics systems, but changes in the relationship between members in the supply chain, investments in technology and the strategic vision of their leaders. New prerequisites were identified, suggesting that the existing framework for implementation of postponement needs to be extended. Companies should invest in change of products, processes, supply chain relationships and organization to enjoy the benefits of postponement.
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How to Cite
Sampaio, M., & Csillag, J. M. (1). Pointers in the spread of Postponement strategy: cases of Brazilian companies. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 14(1), 20-39. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1415-65552010000100003
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