Avaliação de treinamento a distância: reação, suporte à transferência e impactos no trabalho
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The use of Internet in distance trainings is being emphasized although systematic evaluations of these interventions are barely known. The present research evaluates prediction models of three criterion variables: Learning scores and Training Impact at Work (in depth and in extent). The antecedent variables of the models integrate the following components: Reactions, Trainee Characteristics and Transfer Support. A distance training course based on Internetand nationally offered free of costs was evaluated. Data were captured with digitalized questionnaires, hosted in Internet pages. The database files varied from 340 to 1659 cases. The techniques chosen were multiple regression analyses, with enter and stepwise methods. The prediction model of Learning Scores show an influence of variables such as the use of interaction tools and Reactions to Results and Applicability. The investigation models of Impacts at Work indicate that better results in the criterion variables are obtained by individuals who perceive more positively the results and the applicability of the course, who indicate the lack of transfer support and who have elaborated a business plan. The present research discusses the limitations of the study as well as its practical and theoretical contributions and implications.
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Carvalho, R. S., & Abbad, G. (1). Avaliação de treinamento a distância: reação, suporte à transferência e impactos no trabalho. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 10(1), 95-116. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1415-65552006000100006
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