São Felipe Hospital: Capacity Management Challenge in a Hospital Emergency

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Claudia Affonso Silva Araujo
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0290-4807 orcid
Kleber Fossatti Figueiredo
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4498-231X orcid


In July 2017, the board of directors of Hospital São Felipe, a traditional hospital located in Minas Gerais, met to discuss the results of the satisfaction survey conducted at the hospital, where it was clear there was great customer dissatisfaction with the emergency service. In the previous year, the hospital emergency service received, on average, about 6,300 patients a month, divided in three specialties: general clinic, orthopedics, and ophthalmology. The director of emergency services had twenty days to submit a plan of action to address the problems identified in the emergency area, particularly those related to the waiting lines: wait time, lack of comfort, inattention of employees, and so on. The first action taken by the director was to collect data that would enable him to analyze wait times during the process: What time did the patient arrive at the emergency service? How long the patient waited to be attended by the receptionist? How long the patient waited for triage? and so on. With these data, he believed that he would have a better understanding of the process flow and would be able to propose solutions to the problem of waiting lines in the emergency area. The case was written with the educational goal of working with the concept of capacity management in services and with ways to deal with the demand variability, especially in high-touch and unpredictable services, as in the case of an emergency service.


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How to Cite
Araujo, C. A. S., & Figueiredo, K. F. (2020). São Felipe Hospital: Capacity Management Challenge in a Hospital Emergency. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 25(2), e190326. https://doi.org/10.1590/1982-7849rac2021190326.en
Cases for Teaching


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