Myths on Moral Disengagement: Rhetoric from Samarco in a Corporate Crime

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Cintia Rodrigues de Oliveira Medeiros
Rafael Alcadipani da Silveira
Luciano Batista de Oliveira


In this research, we conducted a rhetorical analysis in order to explore the moral disengagement mechanisms used by Samarco regarding the case of the crime that occurred related to the collapse of a dam under its management in November 2015, in Minas Gerais. The research body under rhetorical analysis consisted of publications containing statements by the company and its representatives concerning the case. As a result, we show that Samarco used three myths in their rhetoric: (a) We are doing what must be done; (b) We do not put society and the environment at risk; and (c) It is not our fault. These three myths are representative resources of moral disengagement (Bandura, 1999) by the company in the perpetration of a corporate crime. Our analysis identified three mechanisms: displacement of guilt, minimization and distortion of the consequences, and euphemistic labeling.


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How to Cite
Medeiros, C. R. de O., Silveira, R. A. da, & Oliveira, L. B. de. (1). Myths on Moral Disengagement: Rhetoric from Samarco in a Corporate Crime. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 22(1), 70-91.